The Need
Since the formation of the Burlington Food Bank in 1991, requests from the community for our assistance has risen. No one plans to need the Food Bank, but due to a number factors including: Covid-19, the rising cost of living, an increase in housing costs, unexpected lay-offs, or low-income work, and inflation, that need has grown dramatically.
But time and time again the community has met the need head on. We have seen outstanding amounts of generosity from Burlington residence who give their time, money and expertise to make sure that we can provide nutritious food to the hungry of our community in a dignified and timely manner.
What We Do

We Grow Food

We Collect Food

We Purchase Food

We Sort Food

We Distribute Food

Growing Food
The Burlington Food Bank not only works with local farmers and accepts fresh produce donations, but we also grow fresh produce on our seven Community Garden plots that are located in The City of Burlington Community Garden on Maple Ave.
This summer, we are looking for volunteers who can consistently help out with watering and weeding, as well as planting transplants and seeds.
We are very excited to be able to provide fresh community-garden-grown food to our clients. We would like to thank our previous volunteer Coordinators who graciously helped out the Burlington Food Bank and families in our community and managed the gardens for the full season.

Collecting Food
When you donate food to the Burlington Food Bank at a drop-off location, we collect it and bring it back to our warehouse to be sorted by volunteers and provided directly to our clients.
Along with reclamation and recovery of fresh fruits and vegetables through local grocers, we also work with a large number of grocery stores to recover high-quality meat. The stores take top-grade meat and freeze it before the expiry date. We collect these items every week and provide them to our clients as well.
When you donate food to the Burlington Food Bank at a drop-off location, we collect it and bring it back to our warehouse to be sorted by volunteers and provided directly to our clients.
Along with reclamation and recovery of fresh fruits and vegetables through local grocers, we also work with a large number of grocery stores to recover high-quality meat. The stores take top-grade meat and freeze it before the expiry date. We collect these items every week and provide them to our clients as well.

Purchasing Food
We rely on our donors’ financial contributions to ensure we can keep up with demand and make certain we are providing a variety of nutritious and balanced options.
We encourage healthy donations with lower fat, sodium, and sugar content, and increased protein and fibre.
We purchase fresh fruits and vegetables, milk and eggs every month to provide for families. We also purchase safe school snacks for the large number of children we assist every month.
Because we have seen an increase in the number of Burlington residents needing our assistance, we have an ever-changing need for different food and hygiene items. Your financial donations allow us to purchase what we need, when we need it!

Sorting Food
Our dedicated volunteers have helped us by giving hope to those living with hunger in Burlington, and the Burlington Food Bank could not function without them. Over 100 community volunteers have committed thousands of hours every year since 1991, helping us fight hunger and feed hope in Burlington.

Distributing Food
Food donations are picked up each day by our Burlington Food Bank truck and
The Burlington Food Bank provides food for agencies ranging from other local Food Banks and distributors to smaller community food cupboards and our local community dinners.
We work hard every day to distribute food directly to those in need and to other caring organizations doing the same.