The amazing and kind-hearted people, who volunteer with the Burlington Food Bank, help us in the most hands-on way possible by giving hope to those living with hunger in Burlington. We could not function at the Burlington Food Bank without our volunteers. More than 100 community volunteers, have committed thousands of hours every year, since 1991, to provide nutritious food to the hungry of our community in a dignified and timely manner.
Information Sessions &
Volunteer Opportunities
To view Information Sessions and Volunteer Opportunities, select the button below.
Your sign up options will follow.
Becoming a Regular Volunteer
Volunteering as a Group
Corporate and community groups interested in booking a lunch n’ learn program at the Burlington Food Bank or participating in our Community Garden program should email our volunteer coordinator.
Our Volunteer Handbook
If you’re planning on volunteering with the Burlington Food Bank, please take a moment to read our Volunteer Handbook.
Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions
We are very proud of our volunteers at the Burlington Food Bank, and we try to do our best to make sure your time and talents are spent helping is as rewarding and impactful as possible
Volunteering starts by filling out our Volunteer Application. It only takes a few minutes. Click the link below to get started.
The Burlington Food Bank is open Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, and Thursday evenings 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Volunteers are scheduled, as needed. The length of each shift is typically 30 minutes prior to and 15 minutes following our hours that we are open. There are also some opportunities to volunteer on weekday afternoons from 1pm – 3:30pm.
We do have special events and fundraising opportunities that are frequently held on evenings and weekends. Please let us know about your interest in volunteering at an event by applying online and selecting special events. You will be sent email notifications when volunteers are required for upcoming events.
Yes, group bookings are welcomed at the Burlington Food Bank. Due to space limitations and safety in our food sorting area, the recommended maximum number of participants should not exceed 10. Groups larger than this may be required to book multiple sessions.
Families with small children should note that the recommended minimum age for volunteering with parents is 12 years old. If you have a youth group you would like to bring in, we do evening tours with educational activities.
Groups, up to a maximum of 15, may also want to consider volunteering as Garden helpers, assisting with planting and gleaning fresh fruits and vegetables for our client’s use.
Please identify your interest in volunteering at an event by contacting our Volunteer Coordinator by email.
We have a variety of available opportunities, from administration to warehouse work to social media. To see our full list go to our Application Form.
Comfortable clothing and footwear is always encouraged. When volunteering in our warehouse, closed-toed shoes are required (no sandals). If you are volunteering on our delivery truck – steel-toed footwear is recommended. When volunteering at special events, recommended dress will be indicated.
The recommended minimum age of children volunteering with family in our warehouse is 12 years, and youth under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Delivery assistants must be a minimum of 18 years of age.
We are pleased to assist high school students in the completion of the 40 hours of community volunteer hours.
Please note that our regular hours of operation often preclude students from volunteering on-site but we welcome their participation during PD Days and school breaks (dependent on availability of volunteer opportunities) and as volunteers at our special events throughout the year. Contact our Volunteer Coordinator by email to express your interest.
Please note that all students are responsible for recording their hours and having their record sheet signed/authorized by supervising Burlington Food Bank staff.
We generally do not require a police records check to volunteer with the Burlington Food Bank.
With frequent media events taking place on-site at the Burlington Food Bank, photos and/or video footage may be taken throughout the duration of your volunteer activity and released through various media outlets. You will be asked to sign a waiver as part of your volunteer application and confidentiality agreement with the Burlington Food Bank.
Individual volunteers and groups are required to book in advance of volunteering with the Burlington Food Bank. This is done through our volunteer software, Better Impact, to ensure we have enough coverage each day and not too many people without anything to do.
We are very flexible in how often you wish to volunteer; however, onboarding volunteers can be rather time-consuming and we are inclined to seek volunteers that are consistent with the time they can offer.
We do accept individuals with court appointed hours however, we are unable to accept anyone who has a violent offense. Hours, dates, and times must be pre-approved and arranged through the CSO supervisor in advance.
The Burlington Food Bank works with established community partners to place individuals with court appointed hours. For more information on our Community Service Order (CSO) Program please contact Christina Mulder at (905) 637-2273.